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School District Boundary Changes

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Mapping Strategies provided redistricting services for government entities after the Decennial Census in the last two cycles: 2011 - 2013 and 2021 - 2023.

Redistricting Clients



All school districts with director districts and area education agencies MUST redraw their director districts after the decennial census or submit documentation that current districts still meet population requirements.


All cities with populations over 3,500 MUST compete certain analysis with Census data and provide that analysis along with other documentation, maps, and an ordinance to the Iowa Secretary of State. These cities also have the opportunity to precinct themselves and draw wards (voting districts) based on the decennial census.

Cities between 2,000 and 3,500 residents that have a joint city and county precinct (incorporated and unincorporated territory) MUST submit their agreements along with other documentation to the Iowa Secretary of State.